Deepak Mettem
Deepak Mettem
Only Change Owner is supported for now. If there is a value provided in the config file when a deployment is being created, the "owner" value is ignored. However the...
Hi @vrabbi, vRA Cloud doesn't support getting a refresh token using username and password. So even if this implemented, this would have to be only for vRA on-prem. Even if...
@vrabbi - Sorry for getting back late. At the moment, this is not in scope of the provider as there is no common way to do it between vRA Cloud...
This functionality is not available yet in IaaS API and is being tracked as an enhancement for future release of vRA. We will add it to provider once it is...
@vvinnich Are there specific integration endpoints you are looking for managing from terraform provider?
IaaS API has support for only project constraints, but not resource tags and custom properties. I've opened an internal enhancement request to add their support in IaaS API. Once the...
This error is when you use an older version of ZAP than what is expected. I guess, the minimum version to be used now is ZAP 2.4.3.