I have to add myself to the interested parties in seeing this happen. TOML catalogs introduce a massive leap forward in dependency management for frameworks developed with gradle and since...
I'm also experiencing this issue. ```java Set scannedMethods = new Reflections( new ConfigurationBuilder() .forPackages("x.y.z", "x.y.x") .setScanners(org.reflections.scanners.Scanners.MethodsAnnotated)) .getMethodsAnnotatedWith(MyAnnotation.class); ``` with the code above, `scannedMethods` yields results not only from `x.y.z` and...
I'm not sure exactly _how_ they do it, but it must be possible since Datadog does this with their java agent 🤔
> I've received confirmation from a dev at Datadog that they don't do this. They do have simple URL normalizers that fill the sections in question with `?`, but not...