Damiano Mazzella
Damiano Mazzella
Any plans to release PYBv10b Eagle files?
Have you see [stm32wb](http://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers/stm32wb-series.html?querycriteria=productId=SS1961)?
Are there any plans on the timing for next release? Thank you
I tried the latest version and I have the following error: Code Example (click to expand) ```python self.Bind(wx.html2.EVT_WEBVIEW_SCRIPT_RESULT, self.OnWebViewScriptResult, self.wv) # example call js function self.wv.RunScriptAsync("function f(a){return a;}f('Hello World!');") def...
Are there any plans for the merge of this PR?
@smurfix if you need a small cbor try my library, I have implemented support for half-float as well [ucbor](https://github.com/dmazzella/ucbor)
@andrewleech @amirgon progress on this? need help to complete some tasks?
HI, have you tried this build steps? [esp32_generic](https://github.com/dmazzella/ucrypto#esp32_generic)
@KosBar49 esp-idf (8fbf4ba605) ✔ git describe --tags v5.0.4 for build I have used this steps: ```bash ➜ projects cd micropython ➜ micropython (master) ✗ git submodule update --init --depth 1...