Jules S. Damji

Results 28 comments of Jules S. Damji

Here is the output of a different row order:

@rgaiacs Thanks for filing this request. Currently, you can compare runs' parameters and metrics, along with schema signatures. Model Registry allows you to compare model versions' MLflow entities. Comparing artifacts...

@pancodia There is a way to update a parameter for an existing run using the [MLflowClient()](https://mlflow.org/docs/latest/python_api/mlflow.tracking.html#mlflow.tracking.MlflowClient.log_param) CRUD. In Java, you can use the Java[ MLflowClient().logParam()](https://mlflow.org/docs/latest/java_api/index.html) Does that answer your question?

@pancodia > If I need to update a parameter in one of the old runs, how can I get the run (for example by name or run_id) and make it...

@pancodia @jhagege It seems like you cannot update/replace a previously logged parameter with a specific run id. This [code snippet ](https://github.com/dmatrix/mlflow-tests/blob/master/py/mlflow/mlflow_issues/issue_3999.py)shows it. I suspect this might be by design, as...

@pancodia @jhagege Using backdoor is not something we would want to encourage. :-) But in desperate situations, it may warrant. Also, if you using a `FileStore` then you could just...

@pancodia @jhagege > I agree that we should avoid using the backdoor as much as possible. However, sometimes I mistakenly log a wrong value of a parameter (it happens when...

@59ranjbar I think you might be running into PATH issues on windows. Can you check that mlflow installation path is accessible in your PATH?

@sephib Thanks for filing this. When you say some runs were manually deleted, you mean using `/bin/rm -f -r `, instead of `mlflow.delete_run(run_id)`, running `mlflow gc .... ` fails or...

> My suggestion is to allow the code to gracefully continue to execute the deletion of the runs while printing out the runs that it failed to delete (and throws...