Results 35 comments of Dave Madison

For what it's worth the flat laser-cut design should work (nearly) out of the box for 3D printing even though it's not designed for it. Within the `splitflap.scad` file you...

How divergent are you imagining the 3D printable design to be? If it only differs mildly from the laser-cut design (e.g. hiding captive nuts) then a few flags might be...

That looks great @KostasDaskalos! If you do need to make any changes, there is a way to export the STLs directly from OpenSCAD. [See my comment earlier in the thread](

Have you considered using hashing on the rasterized artifacts? So long as the outputs are deterministic that should give you a fast and robust way to determine which artifacts have...

I think this is caused by a version mismatch for the `svg_path` package dependency. The repository is still using version 2.2 of `svg_path` ([3d/scripts/requirements.txt](, which doesn't have this issue. Looking...

Unfortunately I do not have a modern iOS device, so I have no way of knowing what the issue is. My guess is that the iOS driver does not properly...

Hi there. I purposefully did not add a debouncing implementation because it adds significant bloat and gets in the way of directly controlling the output data. If your inputs need...

It's not "wrong" per-se, but it was never intended to be a complete solution. It was originally supposed to be a straightforward example of how to use the library with...

Thanks for the heads-up, that's unfortunate to hear. Do you know of an alternatives that share the same user-friendly interface? Both of your suggested alternatives work but they lack the...

Hi there! Thanks for the submission. I'm going to keep the default character sets as-is because I think the 'Y' version that's in there is easier to read, although now...