- [ x] I have checked that this issue has not already been reported. - [x ] I have confirmed this bug exists on the latest version of scanpy. -...
Hello. I have tried installing magick in a R terminal and got this ``` > install.packages("magick") Installing package into ‘/data04/projects04/MarianaBoroni/adipocyte_int/lib/Gabiluizlib_2/Gabiluizlib2/Gabiluizlib’ (as ‘lib’ is unspecified) trying URL '' Content type 'application/x-gzip'...
Hello I have been trying to reproduce [this]( However, I keep getting an error with TkAgg. This is the block that is giving me an error (with a few modifications,...
Hello I saved an AnnData object as a loom file in python with `adata.write_loom('~/path/object.loom')` Then I tried to convert it to a Seurat object in r with SeuratDisk ``` object.loom
Hello I have been trying to convert a h5ad file to a Seurat object. This is the error log ``` > Convert("adipocytes_integrated_mapped.h5ad", dest = "h5seurat", overwrite = FALSE) Warning: Unknown...
Hello I ran the vignette but I have some troubles on interpreting the results. 1. The rows in the example matrix have a prefix _Hs._ followed by a number. Is...