
Results 8 comments of dlin4668

@SUSTHESURFER: Please correct if my formula is incorrect: 2s * (100nf + 10nf)/10nf = 22s, not 40s? Thank you!

After removing C2 and installing C1/C-TM with 220pf, I can get a much narrower high pulse as predicated with this formula: 2s * (0.22nf)/10nf = 44ms, However, no matter how...

@JohaGit I would like to learn how to understand this chart better. 1) Are these 5 points on the chart from your experimental results? 2) By putting different R-GN values...

@JohaGit Thank you for your profound answers with the professional lab results. I am asking my hardware colleague to modify the modules with either R3/R-GN or R9 solution before shipping,...

@JohaGit Acknowledged. I will install the R-GN with a suitable trimmer resistor and keep the original R4. Thank you! (I have received some contents in my email account but the...

@jdesbonnet I can receive some contents from JohaGit in email but cannot see those contents (and 2-page response) on this page. My email address is [email protected], if this helps.

I am copying answers from JohaGit: For Q1: "iSuslov Referred to the russian youtube video where the guy went and modified that 220 ohm R9 “dirty Harry” trick. And that...

Not 100% sure this post is related to the OUT pin or the 3V3 pin. Anyway, I have just confirmed some results that has been mentioned by **barewires**: the current...