Sheehan Olver

Results 308 issues of Sheehan Olver

Lighttable has this nice feature that it will evaluate a line as you slide, so you can see the output immediately. I'd like to do this in Atom, with julia-client...

Fairly regularly (in teaching) I need to turn a second order ODE to a first order one. I'm surprised tuples can't be used to do this, see below. I also...

I believe `conv` is associative: ```julia julia> x = randn(3); y= randn(4); z=randn(5); conv(conv(x,y),z) ≈ conv(x,conv(y,z)) true ``` so `conv(x,y,z)` is well-defined. Any reason not to support this? I have...


Most block array operations can naturally be multi-threaded. It would be good to do this automatically in order to make this package competitive speed-wise.

This should throw an error: ```julia julia> v = BlockArray(randn(3),1:2) 2-blocked 3-element BlockVector{Float64, Vector{Vector{Float64}}, Tuple{BlockedUnitRange{ArrayLayouts.RangeCumsum{Int64, UnitRange{Int64}}}}}: -0.5110413514378647 ─────────────────── 0.5939308866063546 -0.9983642145180261 julia> v[Block(1,2)] 1×1-blocked 1×1 BlockMatrix{Float64, Matrix{Matrix{Float64}}, Tuple{Base.OneTo{Int64}, Base.OneTo{Int64}}}: -0.5110413514378647 ```...

At the moment we combine the block structure in broadcasting. E.g.: ```julia julia> mortar([[1,2],[3,4,5]]) + mortar([[1],[2,3,4],[5]]) 4-blocked 5-element BlockVector{Int64}: 2 ── 4 ── 6 8 ── 10 ``` But this...

Below gives an error. I think `Vector{ a = BlockArray(1:6, [1,2,2,1]) 4-blocked 6-element BlockVector{Int64, Vector{UnitRange{Int64}}, Tuple{BlockedUnitRange{Vector{Int64}}}}: 1 ─ 2 3 ─ 4 5 ─ 6 julia> a[Block.(2:3)] 2-blocked 4-element BlockArray{Int64,1}:...

This is surprising: ```julia julia> Block.(1:5)[2:end] 4-element Vector{Block{1, Int64}}: Block(2) Block(3) Block(4) Block(5) ```

This should throw an error: ```julia julia> PseudoBlockArray(randn(5), SVector(1,3)) 2-blocked 4-element PseudoBlockVector{Float64, Vector{Float64}, Tuple{BlockedUnitRange{SVector{2, Int64}}}}: 0.04726771128137562 ──────────────────── -1.4647247301327797 -0.44549682847156197 -0.5779924141573399 ``` Note that ```julia julia> BlockArray(randn(5), SVector(1,3)) ERROR: DimensionMismatch("block size...