Dzmitry Lazerka

Results 14 issues of Dzmitry Lazerka

I have a symlink `/home/dl/work/` -> ` /media/dl/nvme/home/dl/work/`. When I try to open a sample Queens project at `/home/dl/work/tlaplus/Queens/`, I get to following error: > An internal error occurred during:...

help wanted

Seems like examples are outdated, I see `grpc::Client`, but not `grpc::ClientBuilder`.

Hi, I've found that .proto cannot be parsed by `pb-rs`, but work fine in `protoc-rust`. Here's archive with working example crate: []( Basically, there's two proto files in the same...

All examples and code I see assume there's only one .proto file. What is recommended way to compile .proto to .rs files, if we have thousands of input .proto files?

Main page says that it inspired `even programming languages`. But I couldn't find anything on that. What programming languages is it about? Would be nice to hyperlink it.

Steps to reproduce: 1. pyenv virtualenv 3.6.8 .ve 2. pyenv virtualenvs Expected: two lines Observed: no lines Although `pyenv activate .ve` works, `pyenv deactivate` doesn't.

AndroidStudio complains on xmlns:ProgressWheel="", says ``` In Gradle projects, always use for custom attributes. ``` Upon accepting the suggestion it works fine.

The issues doesn't seem to impact this library, as it only concerns parsing user-provided content as a protobuf, while here it only parses google-provided content. But nevertheless, automated code scanning...

Hi Scott, It's more of question than an issue. I couldn't stop thinking that with propagating error results using railway, we're basically reinventing exceptions. With two main differences: * We...