David Lannan
David Lannan
Oh. Do you want this added to your docs, or will you add yourself?
The problem was that clang wasnt accessible I think. I believe running scoop install fixed that for the sokol build gen system? Thats a best guess, but it did seem...
Oop. sorry for closing again.
> Yes, it makes sense, since we use clang to generate the AST info. I haven't double checked, but I assume clang arrives with visual studio nowadays (or is an...
I dont know if this is related, but I cannot run many of the example exe's after building in 2015 either in x64 or win32. Only these examples work: 00,...
Arghh! slap me stupid. Read the effin docs. Soz.
Hi, can you check a couple of things first. - did you make sure the luajit binary that was installed in the blender/addons/defender/defoldsync/luajit/darwin/ is able to be executed by your...
No response. marking as resolved.
This has become an annoyance. Its very complicated to remove without impacting different systems. Animation and gltf conversion for example. Ideally all the transforms would be applied on export hierarchically,...
Hi. I have looked at this, its not really very simple when dealing with intersections and joins. The objects need to become multiple objects (per material join) which complicates things...