David Kaplan
David Kaplan
### Description With an astropy `Table` (or `QTable`) containing a column of `dtype=object`, a deepcopy returns a shallow copy of that column (the other columns are OK). ### Expected behavior...
Is it possible to convince `prepfold` to barycenter to a position other than the RA/Dec in the header? With big beams there can be barycentering errors from observations done before...
I am trying to use WebbPSF on NIRCam LW data. The FITS file says that the detector is `NRCBLONG` but WebbPSF will only accept `NRCB5`. It seems that those should...
I tried to setup the logging following: https://webbpsf.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/webbpsf.setup_logging.html#webbpsf.setup_logging Somewhat annoyingly, even though I asked this to only report ERROR statements, the configuration itself printed text to the terminal. Separately, the...
It would be helpful to read the European INPOP ephemerides like INPOP21a: https://www.imcce.fr/recherche/equipes/asd/inpop/download21a They claim to make files in the JPL format, but as far as I can tell from...