Looking further in to this issue, it seems that setting a property of an object creates a duplicate database entry. To prove that this is the case, I made a...
Might be a good idea to return the raw IFC data for unsupported types, as there are number of libraries that could be used to generate geometry.
Solved! At least for @MenderBlender ... The bug was caused by a [change between IFC2x3 and IFC4]( for type property `SelfIntersect` in `IfcCompositeCurve` which used to be `LOGICAL` (`.T.`) and...
I got in to AdvencedBREP issue with @QuimMoya, and we lost three days on a bug, so probably won’t be able to cleanup the PR before the weekend. If someone...
I’m tempted to say tomorrow, but don’t want to jinx it. We’ve had some really bad luck with code compiling without errors, yet wasm throwing promise rejection on startup, and...
OpenCTM might be a good addition, since Autodesk is using it for their cloud service On Sun, Nov 13, 2016 at 6:33 AM Mr.doob [email protected] wrote: > just to...
Try this: ``` var toDataURL = function(domElement, mimetype) { mimetype = mimetype || "image/png"; var dataUrl = domElement.toDataURL(mimetype); return dataUrl; } ```
Check if 'preserveDrawingBuffer' is set to 'true'.
I'm guessing the wizard refers to API usage examples.
Also present in yaml and HTML strings and magics (but not on static strings, I'd say)