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D-Lab's 6 hour introduction to working with geospatial data in Python. Learn how to import, visualize, and analyze geospatial data using GeoPandas in Python.

Results 7 Python-Geospatial-Fundamentals-Legacy issues
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- In 'read in a shapefile': 'But **it** remains one of the most commonly used file **format** for vector spatial data' --> 'But **shapefiles** remain one of the most commonly...

In DataHub, in the import line: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'solution_hider'

All links checked; nearly all datasets updated to most recent ones (e.g., census datasets all now 2019 and National Land Cover Database updated from 2011 to 2019); all datasets listed...

### This pull requests take the current (as of May 3) version of the repository and includes a compiled Jupyterbook. **This pull requests includes the following changes** - Implements JupyterBook...

Hi, In Chapter 9, section "8.7" (the one after 9.6), the command: bus_routes = gpd.read_file('zip://notebook_data/transportation/') exits with file not found. I can't find the fie in the repo under "notebook_data/transportation"...

@hikari-murayama @chengren I was helping out one of the geopandas workshops participants briefly today on the frontdesk.... they were having trouble going through the install instructions because it was taking...

It could be helpful to include more instruction on how to clean geospatial data. The data used in the notebooks has been carefully curated and is very clean. However, raw...