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Results 89 rdz_ttgo_sonde issues
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In https://github.com/dl9rdz/rdz_ttgo_sonde/blob/9761f9cee14f403aae5020a6a50429bf5b59ff77/RX_FSK/src/M10M20.cpp#L406 subtraction of 18 leap seconds is hard coded. However an offline decoder never knows if this is up-to-date or when it changed. Also if the next change will...

Hello and apologies in advance for another newbie question / request. I tried to flash the latest development .bin onto an M5 Stack Core Basic: https://shop.m5stack.com/products/esp32-basic-core-iot-development-kit-v2-6 However, while the process...

body,div,table,thead,tbody,tfoot,tr,th,td,p { font-family:"Liberation Sans"; font-size:x-small } a.comment-indicator:hover + comment { background:#ffd; position:absolute; display:block; border:1px solid black; padding:0.5em; } a.comment-indicator { background:red; display:inline-block; border:1px solid black; width:0.5em; height:0.5em; } comment {...

when the code asks for IP address, it uses hardcoded hostname (from library) **esp32-arduino** not the configurable *network mDNS name*, this makes finding proper device more difficult, when multicast is...

Hi, I’m a big fan of the rdzTTGOSonde FW, so first – a big thanks to everyone involved! One thing I’ve been missing is a push notification upon sonde detection...

Hi, In the last livemap.js the GEOAPP link format has two // after geo:. The correct Geo_URI_scheme should be: geo:' + lat + ', ' + lon + '

I have an RDZ tracker setup in Southern Idaho tracking the balloons out of Elko, Nevada. Occasionally on Sondehub it will show two balloons with different serial numbers but only...

Hello! Can someone help me to configure the ARPS for radiosondy.info? It doesn’t work me… What’s my mistake? Thank you for your help! ![EA6F62D9-A7FE-40A3-9AF4-B141836E9F41](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/80318133/175812832-dea30814-aaae-48b4-9aa6-d7360e366671.jpeg)

Hello, I didn't find in MQTT payload receiver GPS position values. Can you implement such feature in future? For me it would very desirable feature enabling tracking not only radiosonde...

Hello During chasing my last three sondes, in nearfield, about 30m, the result of distance calculating shows abruptly and not with constant values a distance in minus meters. After a...