
Results 24 issues of dkwo

Is it possible to make `bemenu` DPI-aware on Wayland? This is the behavior e.g. of the `foot` terminal emulator: if I set font to size 12, it will take into...

Sometimes, if I open 3 or 4 .jpg images in a row, when I close feh with `q`, `lf` returns to an empty terminal, using all of my cpu. What...


When using the Zoom app on Void linux, certain windows are not displayed correctly. This is proprietary software, which ships its own QT library (5.12 I believe), so it may...

Does river have any way to handle which clients (if any) can capture screen (say wlr-screencopy), read clipboard, capture keystrokes, inject input, etc? can any user with access to my...


I'm trying to use `sbctl` on Void linux, but it appears I'm not mounting the efivars correctly. Could you please point out the correct way to do it, without relying...

On Arch Linux, if I try to set video by /svdev in 0 which corresponds to /dev/video0, my laptop webcam, then during a cal /video does not work: it crashes...

### Is this a new report? Yes ### System Info Void 5.18.16_1 x86_64-musl GenuineIntel uptodate rrnDFFFFFFFFF ### Package(s) Affected efibootmgr-18_1 ### Does a report exist for this bug with the...


This is on Void Linux: ``` /usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/cryptography/x509/ in load_pem_x509_certificate return rust_x509.load_pem_x509_certificate(data) E ValueError: Unable to load PEM file. See for more details. InvalidData(InvalidByte(4, 45)) ``` Am I missing some...

Based on and tested. ``` xi -S qemu-user-static lz4 xz doas ./ aarch64 doas ./ -r ../void-packages/hostdir/binpkgs/asahi/ asahi void-aarch64-ROOTFS-20220916.tar.xz doas ./ void-asahi-PLATFORMFS-20220916.tar.xz doas xz -d void-asahi-20220916.img.xz doas dd if=void-asahi-20220916.img...

on Void Linux, using and ``` $ lsblk NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINTS nvme0n1 259:0 0 476.9G 0 disk ├─nvme0n1p1 259:1 0 512M 0 part /boot └─nvme0n1p2...
