Thanks for info! It seems i can't fully understand this 8bit to 7bit convertion. I tried to "interpret" your unpack function to c++ but i don't get the same results....
Well, my c++ and python knowledge is minimal, so i won't be much of a help. I try to make an arduino based controller for the G1Xon. I can receive...
I found another piece of code for decoding : ``` uint8_t sysex_to_data(uint8_t *sysex, uint8_t *data, uint8_t len) { uint8_t cnt; uint8_t cnt2 = 0; uint8_t bits = 0; for (cnt...
i'm sure my interpretation of the python code is wrong. Try the other piece of code i posted earlier. i found it here:
you are right! if you ommit the cout part: ``` std::cout
I can't convert the pack function to c++. ``` def pack(self, data): # Pack 8bit data into 7bit, MSB's in first byte followed # by 7 bytes (bits 6..0). packet...
Sorry what do you mean. The bin files created using the `amidi -p hw:3,0,0 -S "f0 52 00 64 29 f7" -r temp.bin -t 1 ; hexdump -C temp.bin` command?...
@nomadbyte i don't understand. What is the "0x01000008.Comp" hex? How did you get those?' i have the pedal, i get the sysex message after i send the "get current patch"...
> I'm not sure what your objective is i want to make a controller (MIDI over USB using a Pi pico) that will send commands to the G1Xon (change patch,...
Thank you very much for the info. The GID is the group id as @shooking describes in his code. In the upacked sysex the first 4 bytes are the fx...