Ok. Thanks. I'll try that.
On second thought, maybe neither is the problem. > Stop looking for a byte greater than zero I don't read the dataString inside the greater than zero check. At the...
When i get (**04** 0C 00 00) (**04** 00 00 00) 00 00 00 00 ... 00 i know that i have 2 chunks of 4 bytes and i discard...
You mean the device responds with a message larger than 64 bytes? The device (a multieffects pedal atually) has only USB. If i send a specific sysex command (by using...
ok. I'll check. Thanks.
I tried it with 128, 256 byte buffers but no good. The receiving bytes are always the same. Basically whatever i tried leads to exactly the same result. It somehow...
I had tried the print statements and was getting the same results. But i tested something else. I stopped calling a function (that is checking the received bytes) from withing...
I got it working by adding ``` usb_pipe_table[epAddr].HostDescBank[0].PCKSIZE.bit.SIZE = USB_PCKSIZE_SIZE_256_BYTES; usb_pipe_table[epAddr].HostDescBank[1].PCKSIZE.bit.SIZE = USB_PCKSIZE_SIZE_256_BYTES; ``` instead of `USB_PCKSIZE_SIZE_64_BYTES;` in the ` if (doPipeConfig) {` section of loop. I saw it in...
i have a g1xon. id is 64
Hi, Regarding the G1Xon, has anyone figured out how the effects are arranged in the response you get with the command `F0 52 00 64 29 F7`? I started rearranging...