Jannic S. Jensen
Jannic S. Jensen
How about with scenes? Right now the only way to find node's scene-event is by their node-id? Eg. listning to zwave_mqtt.scene_activated. Any good ideas to solve that? Example of scene...
> @dkjsj this will be solved with device automations. Looking forward to that :) This is one of the missing functionalty before I'll try this out in a larger scale...
I somehow had the same challenge. Right now - I've have modified the scripts - so forceing all SnapCastClients to the same SnapCastServer - and then AirPlay/Bluetooth is enabled on...
As I read the SDK the only way is to use the [MusicKit JS](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/musickitjs). So API for retrieving information about playlists - albums - artist etc and MusicKit for the...