Daniel Kehne
Daniel Kehne
Maybe we should just remove the explanation then so that it is the same experience on web and native or add on both projects some kind of "Keine Übersetzung verfügbar"...
Could we maybe move the Intro-Slidex behind the selection of Location and Language? So we could show the intro slides based on the activated features. @steffenkleinle
@steffenkleinle it is not that urgent, because we plan to start the Amal-News-Embedding from January 2025. So i would prefer to have one view (not the tabbing) where the entries...
@steffenkleinle yes i can explain it a bit more. We want to have a generic approach to add different news-streams to the Integreat-plattform. We want to combine external news (e.g....
@hauf-toni looks good. I have no more questions and like the idea of showing the local news first. How can we ensure that the corporate design of the external news...
end of 2024 - or 2025. we got a lot of issue which are more impactful.
From a network meeting with the municipalities we got the suggestion to reorder maps before news and events. Could be implement that or do we need more investigations from a...
@f1sh1918 description text for the checkbox is approved and should be in German "Nach der Erstellung einer Karte verschickt das System eine E-Mail-Bestätigung an den Antragsstellenden mit einem Link zur...
@seluianova no, we do not need to. it can be published for all projects
Sounds good..I guess if we show that they have scanned the wrong code, it's clearer