David Emmanuel Katz
David Emmanuel Katz
Please let me know if I should suggest a "capital city" module separately.
Great. How do you think this one should be done? I was thinking of just hardcoding a large dictionary with key values pairs for countries, however this can become difficult...
Agreed, I will look into this frequency and I do agree with the offline option. It would be nice in a future to have leon be able answer a whole...
@GaboFDC Please do! I have not been able to advance on this project. Thanks!
Great! I will tackle the capital cities one first as its simpler until then. I will post a comment when working on the crypto package, if anyone wants to develop...
According to the documentation Mac OS is not officially supported. You can either try setting up a virtual machine or deploy a virtual desktop on a website like https://www.paperspace.com (they...
Hey @jamesjmeyer210 could you explain a bit better the purpose of `db_context.rs`? I am having some trouble understanding the `new` methods of the `Table` and `JoinTable` struct. If I understand...
Thanks for your extremely detailed response, the c# stuff was quite definitely a clarifier as I did not what abstractions/philosophy you where using or basing yourself on. Regarding potentially updating...
Thanks Joshua for your work on implementing a more generic approach to uploading bytes, this specific feature is quite useful for a project we are building at www.smartlayers.io
This would be a killer feature. Currently using nginx as a proxy.