Daniel Kapitan
Daniel Kapitan
@WeiaR Looking at the map again I was wondering: does each grid cell represent the same area or not? It looks like area of the grid cells changes, which confuses...
@mbloch I am trying to create a choropleth map using the exported, Cupola-projected GeoJSON from mapshaper in Python, but can't get it to work because the projection is not known...
@max-sixty Thanks for the prompt response, motivates me to get this going not just for ourselves. Agree that this feature could be used more generically, and that for the first...
@tswast @max-sixty So the good news is that I have got a working version, see [this commit](https://github.com/dkapitan/pandas-gbq/commit/4e5fbda32b56fad1ddf305666ef0f3efac270f93). Basic testing seems OK (haven't written all the tests yet), but when actually...
Thanks for all the feedback @max-sixty @tswast. I am not sure how to proceed from here. Below some extra tests, thoughts and questions. Please let me know what you think...
Interesting: I have played around a bit more with `mprof` to see what happens during load time. Taking `bigquery-public-data.baseball.games_post_wide` as test data, I have compared memory use during loading (all...
@max-sixty @tswast Just wanted to check whether it's useful to submit a PR with the current half-working version. I expect it may take sometime before [BigQuerh GH8044](https://github.com/googleapis/google-cloud-python/issues/8044) is solved, and...
@max-sixty @tswast Thanks for the feedback. Will hang on to the PR for now and await the results from the related issues. Please let me know if there's anything I...
@tswast @max-sixty So what's the outlook for this issue given the new pyarrow functionality in the GBQ Storage API. Looks you've done a great job, Tim, was impressed reading “Announcing...
In fact, looking at https://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/pandas.html#arrow-pandas-conversion it all boils down how the GBQ Storage API does the type conversion from GBQ to Arrow. If Int64 is already downcasted to the smallest...