
Results 42 comments of David

After refamiliarizing myself with the Mifare Classic spec document, it seems like only one key is almost guaranteed to be transmitted by the reader. From there it depends how smart...

Quote from [this FAQ](https://github.com/djsime1/awesome-flipperzero/blob/main/FAQ.md#why-isnt-mifare-classic-emulation-working): > Flipper's NFC chip doesn't have hardware support for Mifare Classic, so it's been offloaded to the CPU. However, the CPU's clock cycle can't conform to...

Thanks for the PR! I'll check how this performs on my ultrawide. I think I might make it so that the 2:3 aspect ratio is maintained, but the window is...

I could do that, GitHub Discussions are another option I could enable on this repo.

Unless some other people comment here and ask for a server, I'm afraid it would mostly be a graveyard.

While all assets for Yacht load and (presumably) work fine, all API calls are still sent to `example.tld/api`, as opposed to `example.tld/yacht/api`.

Supposedly fixed, however this worked for me: https://github.com/ChrisAnd1998/Aerial/issues/2#issuecomment-858692856 (Above solution DOES NOT work on Store version!)

Also occurs with Firefox, very strange.

https://github.com/ChrisAnd1998/Aerial/issues/2#issuecomment-858692856 Try that, do note it will not work with the store version.

Got dev merged, I have limited availability the next few weeks but I'll keep an eye out for that UI/UX being published.