@Calinou yes, I've reproduced this in 3.5.1 and 4.0.2 RC2.
@oeleo1 Are you sure the interpolation didn't solve a different issue in your game? The MRP here still reproduces the touch stutter for me in 3.6 beta 4 with physics...
@oeleo1 okay, so in the MRP I added some sprites moving across the screen and removed all logic on input. And after enabling the interpolation, I'm still seeing plenty of...
Thanks for the info! I'm just still confused about how I should be moving stuff, since you said that setting position directly won't work? For example in my game, I...
Well, even using a KinematicBody2D and `move_and_slide` in `_physics_process()`, I'm not getting smooth movement. Here's a video from my iPhone 14 Pro Max. The first cycle is smooth without touch...
I can't seem to get Godot to recognize the plugin in 3.5.2. I downloaded the release zips for 3.5 and moved inappstore.gdip and inappstore-device.release.a into res://ios/plugins. But Godot keeps showing...
> From the zip file, move the entire "inappstore" folder to ios/plugins, so you end up with ios/plugins/inappstore/[gdip file and 2 folders with content] Hm, If I do that, I...
> It should be between the "Application" and "Capabilities", you have to scroll down a bit, a new segment "Plugins". Yeah, only my request review plugin is there. No IAP...
> In the fragment shader COLOR is always multiplied by the texture's color (`texture(TEXTURE, UV)`) before the user fragment function. Always? Is this not a complete waste of a texture...
Is this issue in limbo? If something is going to change again, it would be nice to know the "final" syntax as soon as possible.