Just successfully tried on my SP5 + @dmhacker's 5.3.18-1 kernel (on Manjaro) - worked a treat! Thank you @taahamahdi - nothing else had worked so far on the Surface Pro...
Same situation for me after upgrading to Flutter 2.10.0. `Flutter 2.10.0-0.3.pre • channel beta • Framework • revision fdd0af78bb (3 weeks ago) • 2022-01-25 22:01:33 -0600 Engine • revision...
Good news @rutaba1 - this issue was identified as [Flutter #96411]( for 2.10 and has been **fixed in beta, 2.11.0-0.1.pre**. Go do a `flutter upgrade` to get this goodness! I...
**evernote2md is a great tool**, but this is a *really* dangerous bug because it leads to **silent data loss**. As the size of an exported evernote notebook increases, so does...
I can confirm that the same is occurring for me [pdf 3.10.7, Flutter 3.19.0] having previously worked fine. I have not been able to identify which version caused the problem....
No, it has been working from Flutter 2.10 to 3.3. Now in 3.7 there is a new, different issue related to `onSuggestionSelected` not being called (as per #446).