Daniel Savage

Results 10 comments of Daniel Savage

An example of the scaling would be: ``` for i=1:4 setMTEXpref('FontSize',9*i); plotaStar2east figure plotIPDF(rodf,zvector,'figSize','tiny','MinMax') annotate([Miller(0,1,0,'hkl',CS),Miller(0,-1,0,'hkl',CS),... Miller(1,3,0,'hkl',CS),Miller(-1,3,0,'hkl',CS),... Miller(1,1,1,'hkl',CS),Miller(-1,1,1,'hkl',CS),... Miller(-1,1,2,'hkl',CS),Miller(1,1,2,'hkl',CS),... Miller(-1,3,1,'hkl',CS),Miller(1,3,1,'hkl',CS),... Miller(0,0,1,'hkl',CS),Miller(1,0,0,'hkl',CS),Miller(-1,0,0,'hkl',CS),... Miller(1,1,0,'hkl',CS),Miller(-1,1,0,'hkl',CS)],... 'all','labeled','BackgroundColor','w','MarkerSize',10*i) CLim(gcm,'equal'); CLim(gcm,[0,3]) title('') hhh = findall(gcf,'type','text'); maxh=hhh(4) minh=hhh(2);...

Hi Ralf, I'm finding it difficult for instance to make a plot that that fits in a 3 inch paper width, has three PFs and has 9point font. Scaling afterwards...

Hi Ralf, Applying your strategy, a 30 pt font in MTEX is the maximum that looks good for the small figure size (see example below). This is a 5 point...

Also, I like the idea of embedding fonts with pdf export, but there is some bug such that if I run ``` CS = crystalSymmetry('432', [3.6 3.6 3.6]); odf=uniformODF(CS); %Max...

Hi Ralf, Thanks for getting back quickly. You can reproduce the jagged edge by cropping any EBSD dataset in which the grid is rotated (example is given below) or just...

Hey Ralf, I think I understand what you are saying now that I look at the code in more detail. Though gridify appears to be a nearest-neighbor type interpolation, it...

I zipped up a demo. It doesn't look like there is an example I can pull from documentation that would demonstrate the issue. [problem_demo.zip](https://github.com/silx-kit/pyFAI/files/13182743/problem_demo.zip)

For what it is worth, the issue is not unique to multigeometry. Also, I just tried the geometry inversion and it worked. I wonder if it's not actually an issue...

Thanks Jerome for getting back. The problem I'm dealing with is getting high quality Rietveld analysis of patterns collected with differently tilted multigeometry detectors (like in the example I sent)....

I came up with a solution using Scipy. There's likely lots of room for improvement. The example below works with the data files I sent above. # Setup basic integration...