
Results 4 issues of djibouti33

Hi Matt, First off, amazing open source contribution. Thank you so much, this is really helping our idea get off the ground. I'm having a hard time including LocoKit into...

om prematurely ending a string with a quote character. More information in [Issue 19](

In `initWithHTML:`, after sanitizing entities, you sanitize tags. I understand this regex is looking for query parameters: ``` [self replacePattern:@"([-_a-z]+)=([^\"'][^ >]+)" inString:html withPattern:@"$1=\"$2\""]; ``` If we take, the $1...

Ideally I can match my designer's designs **and** support the rendering of HTML into native text. Before the HTML requirement I was adjusting lineHeight successfully like this: ``` NSMutableParagraphStyle *paragraphStyle...