David Hoese

Results 941 comments of David Hoese

Sorry but we do not currently provide test data for our examples, but it is something we hope to do in the future. For MODIS L1B files you can probably...

It wasn't clear to me what an equivalent workflow would be for using faiss. I don't think the originally benchmarking code in the README was put into git so we...

Yes, I'm all for putting the code in the repository. Can L2 handle any dimensionality? Pykdtree's README used 3D data.

Yeah pykdtree is used heavily by the pyresample and satpy projects I maintain and they are entirely used for Earth geolocation (X, Y, Z). I don't think I'll have time...

This is not currently possible as far as I know. If you have an idea of how it can be implemented let us know or even better create a pull...

@mraspaud I noticed this PR has been sitting around doing nothing. It might be a nice little utility, but if I remember right your comment on slack when I first...

I'm not a maintainer of this project, but am looking through various dependencies that I need for Python 3.12 support on my own project. I think the first step is...

My guess is if you remove this: https://github.com/pytroll/pyspectral/blob/753c4db66404446b94f293ca16eee9637a0117c9/doc/conf.py#L94 then RTD might choose it's own theme. Or you can force it to the one they use: https://sphinx-rtd-theme.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ The one I've been...

Thanks for the issue. You wouldn't even need to edit the code, just pass different kwargs to `get_hurricane_florence_abi` to only get C01-C03 and get 100 frames instead: https://github.com/pytroll/satpy/blob/f80c5687135c952e0150ad4ad92542e71bb16a21/satpy/demo/__init__.py#L101-L123

Satpy's Scene object has no intention of being thread or multiprocess safe, but for basic usage like this I would have expected it to work. Maybe if the multi-processing was...