Dustin H
Dustin H
https://tour.golang.org/flowcontrol/3 Looks like you use for do := true; do; do = condition {}. You can simplify this to for condition {}
The default FileSystem has to do some ugly things to map the "key/name" into a filename. I should just use a Key/Value store like BoltDB.
Would be nice to have more flexibility in how cache eviction works, even with the Reaper interface it's somewhat inflexible.
If you're looking for Range Request support, ~~you can use [stream](https://github.com/djherbis/stream), which supports ReadAt and can therefore be used with io.NewSectionReader to get a io.ReadSeeker for use with ServeContent. I'm...
Some good points were brought up on the [forum](https://sourceforge.net/p/keepass/discussion/329220/thread/e2c6ed428e/?limit=25#d228). The install command isn't shipped with the release, it's also too specific to my personal setup.
Full list is available [here](https://github.com/golang/go/blob/master/src/go/build/syslist.go). Add support for those if possible. Implementation hints are usually in [here](https://golang.org/src/os/) in the stat_$OS.go files.
Hi when I enable the tensorboard extension in my Jupyter Notebook server it adds an extra 4s for the server to become reachable. I filed this bug https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/issues/4818 to see...
Calls time Now() and At() can panic if the secret is invalid, but there's no safe way using this library to check if the secret is valid without handling the...
Looks like you are reading/writing to the status variable concurrently from two different goroutines Read: https://github.com/ddo/fast/blob/cd978a0251d02954785e4bc49a21450a35743a80/fast.go#L24 Write: https://github.com/ddo/fast/blob/cd978a0251d02954785e4bc49a21450a35743a80/fast.go#L56 You can use the race detector to help: https://golang.org/doc/articles/race_detector.html#Introduction
When my test suite runs on Travis, it's very fast. However when I run it locally, its incredibly slow. Here's the output of the bolt bench cmd: ``` bolt bench...