Works like a charm... Catalina 10.15.7 ZSH with Oh-My-ZSH and nvm and node plugin. 
I'm facing this as well. Solved using iptables with geoIP block for CH, RUS and so...
You're welcome. Many error records are about cookies and mstshash=*. These are mostly sent by webcrawlers. When you try to open proxy address/IP:mining_port with web browser then node-http will answer...
This must be something on your side... I did a clean install from scratch, just to test the latest version and everything looks OK. Try to remove node_modules directory and...
Repo's Dockerfile copying config_example.json to config.json... This is correct Dockerfile which copy your config.json to container... config.json needs to be stored in the folder with Dockerfile... **EDIT:** Change...
Ah, sorry... I missed that the error is from XMrig, not proxy itself... config_example.json is shipped with ``` "accessControl": { "enabled": false} ``` so this must be something with your...
This is config from docker instance? Or from working standalone XNP? Have you added 4444 to exposed ports inside Dockerfile? Looks OK to me (if pool ocean and WALET.PAYID is...
Just tested current Dockerfile from repo and it works... I cannot see exposed port 4444 in your Dockerfile. cp -n config_example.json config.json will copy and use example config. Not your....
You're welcome. I missed that you're trying to use XNP on rPi... I'm running proxy on x86_64 (Proliant Micro) and have just rPi2 but I can try it, too....
cryptoforknote dependencies was changed... you have to install 'libsodium-dev' via apt/yum/dnf/whatever...