I've just been setting up my Ender 3 Pro with an BTT SKR 1.4 Turbo fitted with TMC2209's. My goal was to have sensorless homing + have the BLTouch used...
@thelittlemike I'll take a look and see if I can figure it out, thanks for posting your configs. Out of interest, what version of Marlin are you using, and did...
@thelittlemike PS - Love the custom machine name ;)
@thelittlemike I compared your config with mine, and they were very similar regarding z-probing with the exception of your modification to the board pins for `Z_STOP_PIN` and `Z_MIN_PROBE_USES_Z_MIN_ENDSTOP_PIN` being disabled...
The part that doesn't make sense to me is that the logic in Marlin is "if the probe uses a custom pin it can't be used for z-homing". Having a...
> Oh gosh, Chris is flipping out in that thread. I'm not touching it with a 10 foot pole. Lol I can understand why. The original "fix" was a mess...
> Hi, I am attaching my configuration files for comparison. On my SKR 1.4 the Bltouch works well connected to the dedicated Probe connector. @PapiOrso Do you have the BLTouch...
@PapiOrso That makes sense for the reasons @Steven23456 has detailed. Basically in marlin you either have to modify the pin definitions to change the z-endstop to the SKR 1.4 BLTouch...
> > So I got the BLTouch (3.1 version) to work just fine making no edits whatsoever to vanilla Marlin other than enabling BL Touch and 5V and a single...
@Culem94 Check you wiring is correct. Use GCode or menus in Marlin to manually test/deploy/stow to confirm. FYI I originally had a cheap clone that wouldn't work no matter what...