Boris Djurdjevic

Results 12 comments of Boris Djurdjevic

Hi @andsel This was already done. Can you recheck it?

Hi @rpasche You need to use `MONITORING_CLUSTER_UUID` as in this example (built from main): ```plaintext $ touch test.yaml $ MONITORING_CLUSTER_UUID=foobar ./env2yaml test.yaml 2022/09/02 11:43:19 Setting 'monitoring.cluster_uuid' from environment. $ cat...

For the PostgreSQL connection it's similar. Even after patching`knexfile.ts` with `ssl: { rejectUnauthorized: false }` it fails with: ![image]( (sorry for the image! I don't have it as text anymore)

Hi Tobias I don't have experience with the ARO service but probably this information could help you. If only the `me_ingress` is failing and no `path_` or `me_service` checks, I...

Hi Tobias kubenurse isn't retrying DNS or HTTP requests by itself so it could be that you just hit the failing DNS resolutions. The httptrace hooks are looking promising to...

Hi Tobias I hacked something together for #45, which adds usable httptrace metrics and logs also lower level errors. This looks like this: ```plaintext # Connection issue 2022/07/26 15:45:04 httptrace:...

Do you have any NetworkPolicies or similar in place, which are causing the timeout? Are other services reachable as usual (=kube-proxy works)? P.S. When the me_service works, you're a step...

at least the `ingress.className` should be set to a matching one for traefik

Could you please share your Helm values you are using to deploy the kubenurse? So I can deploy it with the same configuration and have a better understanding what is...

Hi @eli-halych Thanks for your PR and sorry for the late answer! The problem is our CI job. It is made for ingress-nginx and isn't suitable for Traefik. To solve...