## Bug report ### Describe the bug Here is a clear and concise description of what the problem is: When running the VideoLibrary.Clean JSON RPC command with the directory parameter...
Bought a Enviro Indoor with Pico W included. Using Ubuntu 18.04 PC and Thonny 4.0.0, Thonny is unable to connect to the Pico. When I upload the Raspberry Pi Pico...
How do you set the X-Bz-Info-b2-cache-control HTTP header documented [here]( using the upload_local_file function? I've tried to set via file_infos attribute using `file_infos={"Cache-Control": "max-age=86400"}` with no success. On testing using...
The get-phone-pricing API functionality does not seem to be included. This API returns either sms or voice pricing for the supplied phone number. Example/details at the bottom of the following...