David Jennes

Results 166 comments of David Jennes

Last note: image assets can have trait variations (so they can change with the horizontal/vertical size classes).

Well, for these cases custom templates is what we usually recommend. TBH I tend to avoid shortcuts like these, just in case I need to add iPad support (for example)...

Disadvantage of not compiling that output in our tests. At least the compiler tells you it's wrong instead of runtime crashes 😄

Not sure TBH. ### Docs / Technical I've tried a quick search in some apple docs, and for **Swift** there's no real mention of the data type, whenever floating point...

I know we add `guards` with `fatalError`s in some templates, where we're sure that we should be able to load certain assets (unless the generated code is out of date)....

Yeah that's a discussion we've had a few times here on GitHub, and in slack. I'll see if I can dig up some of the points that were made then.

That's honestly annoying of Xcode… It's a tab, how is that invalid?

Fancy shmancy! I'm all for this. Should we also institute a policy that if an issue is actually a question, to force people to move to StackOverflow? It's in our...