David Jennes

Results 161 comments of David Jennes

Do note that for Homebrew, we had some trouble because they didn't like that we were installing the binary + the bundle in the `bin` folder. Apparently they have some...

As a temporary workaround, we re-added our `Package.resources` but this time pointing it to the generated bundle in the `.build/` folder. Props to @tid-kijyun for the fix. https://github.com/SwiftGen/SwiftGen/pull/885

Guys, no need to use "+1" comments, you can just add reactions to original post.

Context groups are already being worked on, and active CP context(s) as an evidence source is something I've wanted to add for a while, if only for the weird stuff...

Allright, as I'm developing 2.x, we might as well discuss this :-P Right now the rewrite uses kind of the same algorithm as the current version. But if we want...

What I had in mind is a more iTunes smart playlist or Finder smart folder approach, especially concerning the rules. Take this for example: ![Finder smart folder](http://switchtoamac.com/guides/guides/images/finder_smart_folder_modify_02.png) Imagine on the...

Allright, unless someone really objects, I'm going to use this type of interface. What makes it easy is that Apple already provides [NSPredicateEditor](http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#samplecode/PredicateEditorSample/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS10004138) and we can subclass NSPredicateEditorRowTemplate (explained [here](http://funwithobjc.tumblr.com/post/1646098126/creating-a-simple-nspredicateeditorrowtemplate)...

Concerning your sudo question, the closest thing that I've found is this: ``` do shell script yourshellscript with administrator privileges ``` which will ask for your admin password. More than...

Oh if it wasn't clear, that's a line of applescript code. You can create an applescript file that calls your shell script with admin rights, or embed the shell script...

Active context(s) as evidence source have been on my todo list for a while, the rest can already be done (rules already set active contexts). Anyway, this issue is kind...