icon indicating copy to clipboard operation copied to clipboard

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In the same way as Django's code was formatted with Black in [PR #15387](, I propose to apply it to the code of this repository.

in progress

I have done something for the issue #1064 :) Looks like that : UPDATE: - Review accessibility colors for dark theme - Add CSS variables for each colors to make...

Updated translations from Transifex as reported in the [README](

Here's an outline of improvements I would add to the documentation search: - [x] Upgrade PostgreSQL from 10 to 12 _(to add [websearch]( and more languages)_ [#1151] - [x] Upgrade...

# Steps I used the instructions from the README to execute locally all the steps and some of them are outdated, use mixed instruction formats or need a minimal formats...

# Steps After local test execution: ```bash $ make test ``` A `cache` directory is present: ```bash $ git status ... Untracked files: (use "git add ..." to include in...