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Harness and benchmarks for evaluating Django's performance over time

Results 15 djangobench issues
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I also modified the migration behavior in utils.run_comparison_benchmark() similar to utils.run_benchmark().

Hi, I stumbled across [this discussion]( today and after a bit of digging around I found a [PR adding support for user-provided benchmark suites]( Maybe this is something to investigate?

Evaluating the performance of the code and also providing minimum and maximum time that a system took for its execution

``` $ djangobench --control stable/1.11.x --experiment master default_middleware Running benchmarks: default_middleware Control: Django 1.11.6.dev20170906232200 (in git branch stable/1.11.x) Experiment: Django 2.0.dev20170915140012 (in git branch master) Running 'default_middleware' benchmark ... Min:...

When I follow the "short version" example, I get this error: ``` $ djangobench --control=1.2 --experiment=master Running all benchmarks Control: Django 1.2 (in git branch 1.2) Experiment: Django 1.9.dev20150415021140 (in...

@MarkusH already did some work in [this direction]( The sample applications were generated by [this]( script.