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Configuration for Django's Trac instance (

Results 17 issues
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The lack of Python3 support in Trac has held us back from using a recent Python for a while now (and as a consequence we're also running an ancient version...

- Add space between Software Foundation - Underline links for DSF & registered trademark


![image]( Changes: - updated the default queries to add the description search to be available by default (as if a permanent search bar) - reduced the columns in the default...

These days you can enable a dark theme on Firefox. In addition to inverting most of the browser's chrome so that it's black, dark themes also invert the input elements...


Desktop: ![image]( Mobile: ![Screenshot from 2023-08-11 22-59-49](

Once i start typing in the "Comment" box and the preview appears, the "Pull Requests:" section of the summary box disappears. Thought i was going crazy. Is this intentional?

When creating a new issue, I noticed that the text input for the "assign to" field starts out prepopulated as `< default >`. I believe this should instead be the...

I just spent ten minutes trying to figure out where the "New Ticket" button is. Alas, it only shows up if you're logged in and I didn't realize I wasn't...

Our github trac extension seems to add 2-3 seconds to the timeline view to be able to generate changesets. I have added a `return` at the start of the method...

If a user is using "DjangoProject Login", Trac should link to somewhere.