icon indicating copy to clipboard operation copied to clipboard

Filing a new bug when you're not logged in is *extremely* difficult

Open mlissner opened this issue 4 years ago • 4 comments

I just spent ten minutes trying to figure out where the "New Ticket" button is. Alas, it only shows up if you're logged in and I didn't realize I wasn't logged in. If you're logged out you'll look around forever and ever just hoping to figure it out.

There's a lot of documentation about how to file new bugs, but at a skim it just talks about things to do first, how to handle security bugs, etc. Where's the link‽ :)

If there's a way to add a "New Ticket" link that redirects you to the login page, that'd be very helpful.

mlissner avatar Jan 24 '20 19:01 mlissner