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Developer-friendly asynchrony for Django

Results 139 channels issues
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Regarding this: > Call it to wait for an application to exit (you’ll need to either do this or wait for it to send you output before you can...


I am upgrading an old project to channels to 2.x. I found the channels 0.x/1.x documentation very well written and easy to grasp. In contrast, I am having a harder...


This issue is the continuation of #1181. Current leak can be easily reproduced by following steps in readme of [test project]( Please note that the branch is different - `big_payload`....


I'm currently trying to get a test to pass that involves sending a notification when a create or bulk create is done on a model. I have created a custom...

The Uvicorn people say this is a bug with the Channels implementation of ASGI. See here for more info:

After several passes, I finally guessed (correctly as it were) that `type` key identifies the callback function for a particular channel. Unfortunately, this isn't clearly stated in Tutorial 2 so...


Trying to upgrade from django channels v1 that has worked as expected for more than 1 year. Have followed documentation as much as possible...My platform uses channels only as a...

I was wondering how it is possible to do authentication with the `Communicator` objects (e.g. `WebsocketCommunicator` while testing (similar to `client.force_login()` for channels 1.x). Nothing is mentioned in the documentation...


`valid_group_name` always throws the message `Group name must be a valid unicode string containing only ASCII alphanumerics, hyphens, or periods.`, even if the actual error is group name being too...


# application = ProtocolTypeRouter({ ... 'channel': ChannelNameRouter({ 'process-mailbox': ProcessMailboxConsumer, }), }) # import logging from channels.consumer import SyncConsumer logger = logging.getLogger('clock') class ProcessMailboxConsumer(SyncConsumer): def process(self, message): logging.debug('test')'test')...
