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Developer-friendly asynchrony for Django

Results 139 channels issues
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I know, I know, This question is too common but That's not kind of that. The problem is, Whenever I'm trying to login to django admin, There is very long...

``` from django.apps import AppConfig def refresh_cache_from_db(): from test_app.models import TestModel for c in TestModel.objects.all(): redis_cache_store.set(, c, timeout=None) class TestConfig(AppConfig): name = 'applications.test' def ready(self): refresh_cache_from_db() ``` works perfect...

🚨 Testing wanted: see the comment below 🚨 I've begun work on the next major version, which will be v4.0. I'm looking to release early-September 2022. The main highlights will...

Hi, I'm making a Django project requiring IoT and Instant Messaging interfaces. This works well with Channels, thanks ! For this, I found a nice MQTT ASGI server, and didn't...

I can not complete the four part Channels tutorial. I can run the server and it works as expected, however the ChannelsLiveServerTestCase does not work. I have also tried using...

I'm trying to test my Channels consumer which calls database_sync_to_async code. The consumer looks something like this: ``` class MyConsumer(AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer): async def connect(self): my_obj = await self.get_obj() ...other code @database_sync_to_async...


TLDR; When using websockets (Daphne websocket server), some clients seem to disconnect every 20 seconds with error code 1006. **Problem** (Tested on 2 W10 pc's, 1 linux Mint, 1 Ubuntu...


i have gunicorn that accepts all http request, and daphne with asgi for websockets connections only. on my frontend i have reconnect script so i see that it start connection...


### Reproduce ___ Try to open kafka-integration

I was following a [tutorial](, and I've been getting `AttributeError: Can't pickle local object 'DaphneProcess.__init__..'`. I've done further research into this and it turns out to be a problem with...
