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ASGI specification and utilities

Results 64 asgiref issues
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This is a first pass draft, fairly sure it's broken for python versions lower than 3.8. Seems to work but i'm not sure how to test it right this moment,...

Use case: I would like to access the peer certificate sent by a TLS client within my ASGI app. Issue: As far as I can tell, no information about the...

I'd love to hear your thoughts on thise one @carltongibson and @andrewgodwin. It just seems so wasteful to recreate new threads all the time when we can just reuse them....

Currently wrapping functions with these class based decorators will obliterate type information. With the introduction of `Paramspec` in python 3.10 and the backports library `typing_extensions` it should be possible (using...

See issue #269. On first access, after they're imported the first time, hold a reference to them on the class itself. This nets a small increase in performance by avoiding...

Hi All, Currently there's a hint in the readme that asgiref provides thread locals, but they're undocumented as far as I can tell. Thanks! Collin


My _guess_ (given the complexity of juggling asyncio and threads is beyond my ken) is that there is a situation where, in `Local._get_context_id`, this bit is super important: ``` def...

Hi folks! We very happily use `asgiref` in @mitmproxy since the last release, thank you very much for your work here. 😃🍰 Following a bug report where a user's Flask...

currently in quart-trio a failure in the app.nursery is swallowed and the web server continues unabated once an ASGI app acknowledges a lifespan request (with a `lifespan.startup.complete` event) the...

With QUIC standardisation complete (RFC 9000) and HTTP/3 nearing completion, a new spec is shaping up: WebTransport: This specification revolves around a "session" initiated by the client over...