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ASGI specification and utilities

Results 62 asgiref issues
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- Closes #141 Currently, there are two implementations of HTTP Trailer: - (Uvicorn) - (Nonecorn - Hypercorn fork) - Commit that introduced it: What this PR proposes...

It doesn't seem like the current ASGI specification allows applications to send HTTP trailers in their response, since it is indicated that [servers should ignore any further messages on a...

> The `get_running_loop()` function is preferred to `get_event_loop()` in coroutines and callbacks.

ASGI lifespan events are designed to handle setup and subsequent teardown of resource like a database connection, but does not provide any persistence to store this state to requests. Starlette...

It was pointed out in that the initial ASGI requirement that header names in responses MUST be lowercased - inherited from ASGI 1, I believe - doesn't actually match...

Prompted by The spec currently says: > Sent to the application when a HTTP connection is closed or if receive is called after a response has been sent. After...

For those who just want to use this library for typing their ASGI apps/servers (namely [uvicorn]( and [starlette](, it doesn't make much sense to depend on the entirety of this...

On Starlette, we store a lot of information on the `scope`. Outside the `extensions` scope key. See our auditing: Also, right now I'm writing a documentation on how to...

As per — Daphne lacks Lifespan support, and shouldn't now be labelled the _reference_ implementation. Just a wording tweak to that effect.