我也参考了#195 #575 其中#575无法实现队列下载已经通过mq实现 队列下载我想到了两种方案 1.mq 2.使用一个包装run.bat执行另外一个bat(这个bat写N_m3u8DL-CLI.exe加参数),可以实现队列等待的效果 核心代码 ``` cd /d "%~dp0" >"%tmp%\v.v" echo;CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "cmd /c """ ^& WSH.Arguments(0) ^& """",1,True:WSH.Quit for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /a-d/b *.bat') do (...
### Please make sure of the following things - [X] I have read the [documentation](https://alist.nn.ci). - [X] I'm sure there are no duplicate issues or discussions. - [X] I'm sure...
第一次连接成功后点击stop,接着点击连接有概率无法正常显示画面 After the first successful connection, click stop, and then click connect, there is a chance that the screen will not be displayed correctly. [文本.txt](https://github.com/wsvn53/scrcpy-mobile/files/14812633/default.txt) https://github.com/wsvn53/scrcpy-mobile/assets/106577535/22930a80-603c-4695-b0fe-fb5f729cb22b
Recently Apple has changed the AppStore related regulations: https://developer.apple.com/news/?id=0kjli9o1, is there any related plan in the future
Hello, I used your template https://github.com/opa334/CCSupportExamples/tree/master/SmileyProvider and referenced https://github.com/opa334/CCSupport/wiki# localization, but I'm having problems with internationalization, I can't map the language to the view correctly, is it because I'm not...
**Description** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **Expected behavior** I want to use ffmpeg-kit and javacv-ffmpeg at the same time **Current behavior** 2 files found with...