Dix Huit

Results 10 comments of Dix Huit

I've just been evaluating rpg-dice-roller as a replacement for another lib that I'm currently using but when compiled for production I'm seeing an increased bundle size of 0.8 MB. Granted,...

This is great news!

Fantastic news! I look forward to v5.

This is the missing feature that keeps me using Steam rather than Lutris. Big +1 from me.

I'm seeing this too. My "default to" is set to GBP but typing "currency AUD" shows me a conversion to USD.

Quasar has something very similar. - https://quasar.dev/vue-components/select#options-list-display-mode - https://codepen.io/pen?&editors=101

I have the same issue. Docksal 1.17.0 Kubuntu 22.04 Running `fin start` again seems to fix the issue.

Some code examples for how to get this working under each OS would be really helpful here. I've been tinkering with this on Linux and actually had more luck with...

I see the same thing in Firefox and it makes v-tabs unusable IMO. The `:transition="false"` workaround mentioned above is very unstable. I've also seen it suggested to set a fixed...