
Results 44 comments of diwic

A quick googling yields this result, might be helpful? https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61934997/undefined-reference-to-stat-time64-when-cross-compiling-rust-project-on-mu

Feel free to add a PR that adds support for static linking, I suppose this would be implemented as a feature not enabled by default?

Hi! Looking at [the code of dbus-monitor.c](https://github.com/freedesktop/dbus/blob/master/tools/dbus-monitor.c#L540) it seems to have another fallback - if the eavesdropping *also* fails, it tries to add a match with an empty match string....

> My goal wasn't exactly to copy dbus-monitor though but rather to solve my issue and use BecomeMonitor, as I understand it's now the recommended way. Maybe you have an...

Thanks for the PR. Could you add a comment explaining that we do this to copy dbus-monitor's behaviour?

Hmm...interesting issue. Does something like this help: c.channel().set_watch_enabled(true); loop { loop { c.process(std::time::Duration::from_millis(0)).unwrap(); if (!c.channel().watch().read) break; } /* process incoming messages, sleep etc */ }

> I'm not sure how to get a mutable reference to channel without manually creating the whole connection, which doesn't seem feasible. let mut ch = Channel::get_private(Session); ch.set_watch_enabled(true); let conn:...

> I can do it by putting cr in a Mutex Yep, there is no `SyncCrossroads` so that's what you need to do. Let's try something else. What if you...

Hmm...in dbus-tokio, we have some kind of strange loop which calls `libc::recv`. Maybe that's something that's needed here as well? https://github.com/diwic/dbus-rs/blob/master/dbus-tokio/src/connection.rs#L170

So if `process(1000)` would not receive a message > 2048 bytes immediately, that seems even weirder; I'd call it a relatively serious bug in libdbus if that's the case, and...