I added a blank quote in the final line, and I save it. Then I delete the final line, using backspace, and save it: And I close the file, reopen...
My project structure: (Project is attached as a zip: [JaxRsTest.zip](https://github.com/vojtechhabarta/typescript-generator/files/14775326/JaxRsTest.zip)) JaxRsTest |-lib |-src/main/java/com/example/jaxrstest/MyModel.java |-pom.xml In `lib` folder there is a jar file that contains a POJO: `com.example.SomeModel`. `src/main/java/com/example/jaxrstest/MyModel` extends this...
(related to #88) The [javascript one](https://chartjs-plugin-crosshair.netlify.app/samples/) shows tooltips in all linked charts But the OOTB one (created following the [guide](https://pepstock-org.github.io/Charba-Wiki/docs/plugins/PluginCrosshair/))only shows the tooltip in the chart under the mouse. This...