Florian Wesch

Results 69 comments of Florian Wesch

I usually use a wrapper function. Take a look at this: https://github.com/dividuum/info-beamer-nodes/blob/d90daf261648a1583a26fedee2c374b8ed33d94c/29c3-room-next-talk/node.lua#L89

Text rendering of any non-trivial text is kind of a weak point right now. I'm not sure what the best approach to improve this without adding a ton of complexity....

> Would full Cairo be overkill? Good question. I guess that would require a complete overhaul of the existing font rendering code. Right now (in the Pi version) I'm rendering...

If it's a variable you source from somewhere (like a JSON file), be sure that its content is UTF-8 encoded. If you're using a string literal, make sure your code...

Neat. If I understand this correctly, this code allows you to reuse the same texture multiple times and place each vertex and texture coordinate individually? The problem with the current...

> I never understood why you started using immediate mode in the first place. There's enough of a common subset between GL2 and GLES2 (coughWebGLcough) to use the same code...

This means that your graphics driver is most likely not capable of running info-beamer. That's the output of ``` glxinfo |egrep "OpenGL|glx" ``` Are you running info-beamer in a virtual...

Can you recompile with -ggdb and send me a gdb traceback?

You start info-beamer like this: ``` gdb info-beamer ``` Then in gdb you use ``` run /path/to/node ``` which starts info-beamer. Once it segfaults, you'll be back in gdb and...

Thanks. So it segfault [here](https://github.com/dividuum/info-beamer/blob/master/main.c#L758)? Or do you have a different version running?