Diego Vega
Diego Vega
Currently if you go to https://hubbup.io/data you get an error at the top of the page that reads: > aspnet/EntityFramework.Tools: Issues couldn't be retrieved for the aspnet/EntityFramework.Tools repo But EntityFramework.Tools...
Currently we have something very brief at https://docs.microsoft.com/ef/core/providers/writing-a-provider pointing to @ajcvickers's blog. It would be good to update this to cover: - Support for EF Core 2.1 features - The...
Currently EF6 depends on System.Data.SqlClient which is included in .NET Framework, but SQL Server is moving development to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient, where any new features will be supported. EF6 is in a...
This was previously reported at https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework.ApiDocs/issues/25, specifically for methods that contain cancelationToken = default, which is a really common pattern,but it could apply to other defaults, not sure. From the...
We should add more information about ExecuteSqlCommand and GetDbConnection, including how to manage the open/close state (e.g. with context.Database.OpenConnection and context.Database.CloseConnection vs. connection.Open and connection.Close) and lifetime of the connection...
Currently we support the `==` operator and the `String.Equals(String)` methods which both have the same behavior in-memory as `String.Equals(String, StringComparison.Ordinal)`. We could also support the latter without making significant changes...
In EF Core 2.1 we have initial support for for full-text search via the FreeText predicate in LINQ, but this only works with databases that have already been indexed. EF...
### Description I am updating the FluentAssertions package on a project from a very old version that would always do member-wise comparisons for `Should().BeEquivalentTo()`, even if the objects implemented `IEquatable`....
This is probably a subtopic in [relationships](https://github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework.Docs/blob/master/entity-framework/core/modeling/relationships.md). EF Core is pretty flexible re the type of collection you use, so this is about describing what is supported and how to...
This is a practice that emerged when the NuGet team they was using migrations to evolve the schema of the database back-end for NuGet.org. In @anurse's words: > Basically, we...