Nico Hoffmann ෴.

Results 122 issues of Nico Hoffmann ෴.

@bastianallgeier @texnixe Trying a simple fix for getting more compact docs. I know that this could rub Basti in a wrong way regarding overall consistency across the whole site, but...

type: enhancement ✨

Very rough first draft, cookbook etc. broken with it. But wanted to first discuss this with you to see if it's worth heading further into this direction:

type: enhancement ✨

@texnixe if you have a version with a bit higher resolution of your image that would be great. The old file had a circular cutout and I only found this...

type: enhancement ✨

One has to scroll to the very bottom of the whole page to get them to show. They should be reachable independently of the scroll position.

type: bug 🐛

Currently we are duplicating docs in many options fields - would be better to just have the basics there and then link off to an options compendium page or so.

type: content 📝

type: content 📝

- [ ] Custom asset methods - [ ] Field prop in block snippets - [ ] - [ ] - [ ] Bring back BlockConverter...

type: content 📝
critical: roadblock 🚧

in v3

wp-login.php • wp-admin • xmlrpc.php • wp-content/plugins/* • wp-content/themes/* • /wp-includes/* • /wp-config.php • /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php • /wp-json/wp/v2/* • /xmlrpc.php?

feature ⭐️