Nico Hoffmann ෴.

Results 122 issues of Nico Hoffmann ෴.

- Added lab examples for `k-login` and `k-login-code` - Clean up of components code

type: refactoring :recycle:
type: docs 📝

## This PR … Let's think hard if this could cause any regressions or is a breaking change (not just fixing a bug). ### Fixes - Pages collection now include...

type: bug 🐛
needs: help 🙏

## This PR … ### Enhancement ```php Kirby::plugin( name: 'my/plugin', extends: [], version: '1.0.0', ); ``` ### Deprecated - Passing `info` in plugin extends array - Passing `root` in plugin...

type: enhancement ✨
type: refactoring :recycle:
needs: help 🙏

Our dialog components do not respect updates from reactive props. They are turned static. Consider this modified example of the text dialog lab: ```html Open export default { data() {...

type: bug 🐛

How could I realize the follow (if at all)? Where in class `B` the template `T` would be of `BItem` as declared by the `ITEM_CLASS` const?

How can I type hint of the subtype/template of a type/template? In this example, how can I hint that the return value will be of type `TA` corresponding to...

feature ⭐️

## This PR … ### Enhancements - Image/Gallery blocks: added `back` option to specify an image background, e.g. to be able to see white graphics with transparent backgrounds ### Docs...

type: enhancement ✨
needs: changes 🔁

Original thread: I think this should be fixed inside the Darkroom libraries, e.g. somewhere here: If no cropping and the current dimensions are already within the target dimensions,...

type: performance ⚡️